When I could afford to do stuff I managed to get a few trips to the pub in hence this post.i finally managed to break in my black spike Litas so I've decided to review them.They feel very different to the other Litas I have so I've given them a separate review.
Initially these were very uncomfortable.the first time I wore them it was panic padding.adding too much padding and forcing my toe against the seam which cut them and made them impossible to wear for a full night.the second time I wore them they were uncomfortable because of under padding.thats the thing about these Litas for me. Not enough padding makes my foot slide about and makes them hurt.And since only one of my pairs of Litas are new,there wasn't any choice to go down a half size. If I wear a couple of thick socks or one pair of thick socks and about 4 pairs of normal socks they're perfectly comfortable.
I do not have the luxury that other Litas wearers get from wearing them with just rights because the top unfortunately does rub against my legs and cuts them and blisters them.SO I always have to have some socks poking over the top of the shoe.this can take away a little from an outfit.
Despite this I like the attention I get from these.the safety that the spikes give me because the general consensus from them is that I am not to be messed with.
The leather is quite tough and has got a little scratched by the spikes but hasn't been broken.unfortunately I have scuffed the toe from falling over in them(I didn't lace them tight enough).
They do have a good amount of height in them which I love.Being five one I need the height.
They were definitely worth the money I paid for them because I'm getting a good amount of wear from them and I love them.they're a stunning pair of shoes.i would recommend them because you will live them when they are properly broken in